Aaron Cantrell

Portfolio Piece: Quantum

I created this piece while reading and thinking a lot about space, time and modern quantum theory and some of the 'mysticism' that surrounds it. I was really interested in looking at life as an infinite series of seemingly sporadic energy transfers on a very microscopic scale. When looked at on an atomic scale, nearly every thing can be condensed to an understanding of how energy (not the metaphysical type, but the scientific) is transferred from one entity to another on a very abstract and simplified level. The further we reach for an understanding of the fundamental principles of our existence, the more abstract and out there the formulations of this get. I think some of the theory gets so out there that it's getting to a point of not being sound science anymore, but rather a methodology of mathematical manipulation to try and prove one's idea of how our world might be. This is why I chose to depict a hand reaching into the abyss with its arm cut open as if it's reaching for something that can't be found. The object and balls emanating from the lamp is a representation of how space, time and light are all so intricately intertwined. The piece itself is one of my older pieces, but one I still like quite well because of its source of inspiration.

Medium: Acrylic Paint

Physical Dimensions: Width: 20", Length: 16".

Year: 2006.


